A Brief Guide On How To Paint With Chalk Paint


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Redecoration and renovation of a property or piece of furniture can be very exciting; however, it can also be very challenging. In order to complete an effective renovation there are various considerations that must be made, including the different colors and overall effect you want to obtain. Presently, this redecoration can be completed using paints and laminate substances, if you are looking to enhance wooden pieces, but the use of these items may not provide the desired result. A painting technique has been discovered that not only meets some unconventional looks, but is also very simple to use. This method is known as painting with chalk paint. This article will provide information about chalk paint; as well as how to paint with Chalk Paint.

What Is Chalk Paint?

Chalk paint is created by via a decomposition of traditional paint. Traditional paint is essentially a combination of pigment particles held together by paint resin and as the resin dries, the pigment particles are pushed together and locked underneath the layer of resin. While paint is a durable substance, it can be decomposed and erode when placed in the sun for large amounts of time. This will result in a chalky substance due to all moisture being drawn out by the heat. The chalk or powder can then be utilized as a paint-like substance when redecorating a piece of furniture or wall.  

How To Paint With Chalk Paint?

As is mentioned above, chalk paint is derived from old paint that has had all moisture removed from the substance. When this moisture is removed, including the resin, the powder will have the same pigmentation particles that were originally found in the paint substance. This means that the powder or chalk will have the same color as the original paint and can be used for furniture restoration or property renovation.

See Also : My Review Of Hobby Lobby Chalk Paint 

There are various factors to consider when using chalk paint and the first is that it does not have any moisture in its format. This is important as it means the chalk cannot ‘stick’ to the surface being painted. Different manufacturers have addressed this problem and have introduced calcium carbonate into the chalk. This helps provide a thick and rich covering when utilizing the paint. Below is a list of steps to follow in order to utilize chalk paint effectively.

1. Finding The Item To Be Painted

The first step to painting with chalk paint is to find the surface to be painted. It is important that the item is cleaned with a water wash to ensure that there are no unwanted particles on the surface. 

2. Gathering Supplies

The second step in this process is to gather supplies for the painting venture. Generally the only supplies you will require is a tin of chalk paint, a good painting brush and a cloth to place underneath the item. Painting can be a messy business and it is essential that the work space is a suitable one. If you are looking to distress the piece of furniture, it is necessary to sandpaper the item beforehand.

3. Application

The final step is the application of the chalk paint. Dip the paint brush into the chalk paint and apply it to the chosen surface. Chalk paint dries very quickly but, therefore it is essential that you apply the paint correctly the first time. Once the piece has dried you will be required to seal it using a clear or dark wax.

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