Tintable Chalkboard Paint – Perfect for Any Room In The Home


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Chalkboard paint has many uses for any home. The main drawback of it for years has been that it was only available in the two main colors of green and black. This makes sense, since these are the two common colors of regular chalkboards all over the world and for many years. Recently, tintable chalkboard paint has become available and has proven to be really popular. The added availability of the colors has really opened up the design and decorative uses of this kind of paint. Let’s look at this kind of paint a little closer.

Tintable chalkboard paint is available from a few manufacturers. Rustoleum currently offers a tintable one that can be tinted to one of 12 colors. The colors range from white to black, with a smattering of color options in the normal range. The rustoleum offering is an indoor paint that cleans up easily with soap and water making it very easy to use for the average home owner. There are also other manufacturers that offer chalkboard paint you can tint. They have a wide range of options as well. There are other colors available and more to pick from.

If you want a tintable chalkboard paint, you are not limited to buying a specific tintable option. Many people decide to make their own chalkboard paint. This can be done very cheaply and easily. All you need to do is buy the water based paint of your choice. You can then add a little bit of tile grout powder to the paint. Make sure that the tile grout powder and paint are both the water soluble kind or they will not mix properly. The exact ration you need depends on who you listen too. But, the common one is 3 parts paint to ½ part tile grout powder. Make sure to only mix as much as you will need because the paint will eventually harden and become useless in the can because you added the tile grout powder. Also, get your tile group powder to be tinted to be as close to your paint color as possible. This way you will change the color of your paint as little as possible.

See Also : Benefits Of The Chalk Paint Home Depot Sells

This kind of tintable chalkboard paint is perfect for any room in the home. It can be blended to fit any decorative style and will not stand out by looking like the typical chalkboard. Kids will love it for the ability to be creative while writing on the walls.

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